For Christian Business Owners:

You're One Step Away From Joining A Community Of Like-Minded Christian Entrepreneurs Who Are Building Businesses Gods Way

All you have to do is book a call with us below! 👇🏼

During this call, you’ll connect with fellow Christian business owners for networking, followed by a presentation of our vision and mission.

What's this all About?

Hey there, I’m Cody Cottle, a Christian who loves Jesus and a passionate business owner.

Like you, I’m driven to do great things with my life, but most importantly, I want to align everything with God’s Word.

My wife Esther and I currently run two online businesses, and after experiencing some success, we felt God’s Spirit prompting us to create a space for Christian business owners to come together, support one another, and thrive.

We believe God has entrusted each of us with unique gifts, talents, ideas, and dreams. Our calling is to steward and multiply these gifts while staying true to our values and building our businesses God’s way.

Right now, we see a significant gap between faith-based communities and the personal development world.

As Christians, we often feel like we can’t talk about business in our Church communities, and in our business circles, we sometimes feel we can’t speak openly about Jesus.

It’s time to bridge that gap. That’s why we created the Christian Entrepreneur Club

, a nonprofit community designed to help Christian business owners make an impact, grow their businesses, and claim new ground for God’s Kingdom — all while keeping Him at the center of everything we do.

If this resonates with you, I’d love to personally invite you to a quick discovery call. It’s an opportunity to connect with me and other like-minded Christian entrepreneurs, learn about the Club, and see if it’s the right fit for you.

This is not a sales call. I won’t be trying to sell you on anything. For us, this is a ministry. We’re simply looking to build a supportive community of Christians who feel called to business and want to help each other succeed.

If you’re interested and feel aligned with our mission by the end of the call, I’ll show you how you can join the community.

If not, no hard feelings — we’ll part ways with nothing lost.

Sound fair?

If you’re ready to connect, click the button below to book your spot before they fill up!

"But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you."

Matthew 6:33

Take A Look At Our Last Event We Did! 👀

What our members are saying about the Club:

"There are so many amazing benefits to joining this community, #1 As a business owner I've been able to add clients"

- Max Sandquist MaxFit Coaching

"I went from building businesses to building God's Kingdom and I needed a place like Christian Entrepreneur Club to connect with fellow Christian Entrepreneurs"

-Clint Riggin

Limitless Faith Kingdom Builders

"I joined the Christian Entrepreneur Club because I wanted to be a part of a community that I Know would help me grow, love me, push me, and call me higher to who God has called me to be."

-Ashley MorseKickin Ash Health & Wellness

We also host Live Events Too...

Check out Some Photos From Our Last Event

(Your membership to C.E.C. gets you access 😉)

Want In On The Action?

Check Out Our Christian Entrepreneur Podcast 🎙️